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SPOILER ALERT! Minimal Music Quiz Answers

Posted by ConcertHotels

Did you end up here by mistake? Were you actually looking to play our Minimal Music Quiz? You were? Go play it here.

So we're guessing this means that the rest of you actually want the answers? ☺

Well here you go!

AC/DC - Back In Black

Black Water - The Doobie Brothers

Blue Moon - Billie Holiday

Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison

Brown Sugar - The Rolling Stones

Crimson & Clover - Tommy James & The Shondells

Ebony & Ivory - Stevie Wonder & Paul McCartney

Gold Digger - Kanye West

Green Onions - Booker T & the MGs

Yellow Submarine - The Beatles

Paint It Black - The Rolling Stones

Purple Rain - Prince

Red Red Wine - UB40

Tangled Up In Blue - Bob Dylan

Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree - Dawn ft Tony Orlando

Yellow - Coldplay

Blue Suede Shoes - Elvis Presley

Men In Black - Will Smith

Black Dog - Led Zeppelin

White Flag - Dido
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August 10, 2024

can i just say that i was SO SURE that tangled up in blue was undone - the sweater song by weezer. it matches perfectly



July 30, 2015

Why Coldplay/Yellow over Donovan/Mellow Yellow?



July 30, 2015

We think the graphic probably describes Yellow more accurately than Mellow Yellow-there isn't really anything there to suggest mellow, but we agree that it's a perfectly acceptable answer.



August 16, 2014

For "Tie a Yellow Ribbon" I had to fiddle with it for awhile til I realized it was the "Ole" Oak Tree, not "OLD". "Black Water" tripped me up. Looked like clouds.



May 28, 2014

I kept trying to use Mellow Yellow by Donovan for the one that turned out to be a Coldplay song. Also, it accepted Neil Diamond as the artist for Red Red Wine. :)



May 22, 2014

Also Blue Moon looked like a blue sponge to me! Or a blue polo mint... never saw a moon there at all!



May 22, 2014

Remember it's a bit of fun! Ebony & Ivory was Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder. I am quite sure it shouldn't recognise PM & MJ! There's a problem with the quiz page, "Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree" is not recognised even though it's correct.



May 21, 2014

The first one could be Back to Black by Amy Winehouse


David Bluhm

May 21, 2014

Half Full Glass of Wine, by Tame Impala, should have been an acceptable answer...



May 21, 2014

Except the fact that the name of the song does not include a color, which is the point of the quiz.


Dewey Roth

May 21, 2014

MJ and Sir Paul did "Say Say Say" and "The Girl is Mine"...but "Ebony & Ivory"? Pretty sure not. Also, my answer for "Red Red Wine" was Neil Diamond.



May 22, 2014

Correct all the way around. I had The Marcels and Jan & Dean for "Blue Moon". All of them make sense and it's a fun quiz but "Back in Black" was a stretch.


Eric Zehnbauer

May 21, 2014

Stupid quiz. As previous posters have mentioned, McCartney & Jackson should also be recognized for "Ebony & Ivory", and Tony Orlando & Dawn is actually even more correct than Dawn featuring Tony Orlando. That, plus the white flag could be taken to mean "Surrender" (either the Cheap Trick hit, or different song by the same name by U2). I, for one, have NEVER heard of the Dido song. As for "Blue Moon," if you mean the famous Rogers & Hart song ("Blue Moon, you left me standing alone...), I can't find any evidence that it was recorded by Billie Holliday! Early versions in the '30s were recorded by Shirley Ross and Connie Boswell, then Mel Torme had a hit with it in the 40s, but the most well-known version is the doo-wop version by the Marcels, from 1961. A lot of other artists have recorded their own covers of it, including Frank Sinatra, Elvis, and the Mavericks. So ANY of those artists could be correct...


robert cohen

May 21, 2014

Valid arguments except for "Surrender", which doesn't have a color in the title.



August 25, 2015

Well I think it recognises many artists, because I put Dean Martin for Blue Moon and the site accepted.



September 16, 2016

I was happy to see it accepted may answer of Carl Perkins as the artist for Blue Suede Shoes even though it shows Elvis Presley as the artist in the answer key.


Jocasta Rashid

May 20, 2014

And also "Tony Orlando & Dawn" is correct.


Thomas Grogan

January 6, 2014

ebony & ivory should also recognize the mccartney&jackson version



May 22, 2014

Never sang Ebony & Ivory"'re thinking of "The Girl is Mine" off Thriller.


Mike S

April 22, 2015

or "Say Say Say"
